What You Need to Know About Wrongful Termination In California

If you’re an employee in California, it’s important to know your rights when it comes to wrongful termination. In this blog post, we’ll give you a brief overview of what wrongful termination is, what the laws are in California, and what you can do if you’ve been wrongfully terminated.

Wrongful termination is when an employee is fired for an illegal reason. There are many reasons why a firing might be illegal, but some of the most common include discrimination, retaliation, and breach of contract.

Discrimination means that an employee was fired because of their race, religion, gender, disability, or another protected characteristic. Retaliation occurs when an employee is fired for complaining about discrimination or harassment, or for participating in an investigation into such allegations. And finally, breach of contract happens when an employer fires an employee in violation of the terms of an employment contract.

There are both state and federal laws that protect employees from being wrongfully terminated. At the state level, California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) prohibits employers from terminating employees based on certain protected characteristics. The FEHA applies to employers with five or more employees, and covers characteristics such as race, religion, gender, pregnancy, and sexual orientation.

In addition to the FEHA, California also has a number of other laws that provide employees with protection from wrongful termination. For example, public employees cannot be fired for exercising their free speech rights, and employers cannot fire employees in retaliation for filing a workers’ compensation claim.

What Can You Do If You’ve Been Wrongfully Terminated?

If you’ve been wrongfully terminated, there are a few things you can do. First, you should gather all the evidence you have and call our employment intake line at (858) 365-9722, to discuss your case. You can also file a lawsuit against your employer. If you win your case, you may be entitled to damages such as back pay, reinstatement, and attorney’s fees.

Wrongful termination can be a difficult situation to navigate; however, knowing your rights as an employee is a good place to start. If you believe you have been wrongfully terminated in California, we recommend speaking with our experienced employment law attorney who can help you understand your options and make sure your rights are protected.

No one deserves to be illegally fired from their job. If you’ve been wrongfully terminated in California, there are steps you can take to hold your employer accountable and get the justice you deserve.