Race/Color Discrimination In The Workplace

JBS Will Pay Up To $5.5 Million In Settlement From Race & Religion Discrimination Lawsuit

JBS Swift and company will pay up to $5.5 million to settle a race and religious discrimination claim. The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed the lawsuit in 2010. One claim was that JBS denied Muslim employees the ability to pray as required by their religion at its Greeley plant. The EEOC’s lawsuit also charged that during Ramadan, the plant shut off water fountains. That was so that Muslim employees could not wash for prayers or drink water after fasting all day. Approximately 300 current and former employees are eligible for the payout.

The freedom to practice one’s religion in the United States is such an inalienable right that it is part of the Constitution’s First Amendment. America has a long history of exercising its faith freely as a safe haven for individuals.

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Anyone can experience religious discrimination, but Muslim and Jewish employees are particularly vulnerable. California and federal laws prohibit discrimination based on religion in the workplace. Your employer must adapt to your religious practices as long as they do not create an unreasonable burden. Failure to do so may justify a discriminatory legal claim.

If you believe your rights as an employee in California have been violated, call us at (858) 365-9722 or contact us online for a free consultation and comprehensive case evaluation. https://potterhandyemployment.com/contact/